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For When a Handgun is the Wrong Tool: Non-lethal defense

Writer: Graham BaatesGraham Baates

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Sig Foxtrot EDC and POM spray
Sig Foxtrot EDC and POM spray

GBGuns is naturally gun-centric, but the reality of life is that shooting someone should be ab absolute last resort. Yes, firearms are the great equalizer, allowing us to stop a heinous crime and defend ourselves and loved ones facing an immenent threat of great bodily harm, but what about those times when presenting a handgun is excessive and possibly illegal?

Situation: I walk in the mornings as one of the few physical activities my beat-up veteran body will still allow me to do without complaining too much. That's generally done in lightweight clothing and while smaller and lighter pistols like the Bodyguard 2.0 could easily slip into a pocket, the likely threats don't warrant it. Additionally, there are extra legal considerations (check your local laws) before drawing a gun on a sidewalk in public. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6, but there are situations when both can be avoided.

My walk takes me along and through some areas where homeless drug addicts like to hang out sometimes. They're generally sleeping at 5am, but I have seen them wandering like zombies, arguing with bushes, and other strange activities that have me disinterested in interacting with them, but doesn't mean they're disinterested in interacting with me.

Solution: Between a powerful flashlight that is in itself simply a handy item to have around, and some pepper spray I have options and the ability to escalate.. As an added bonus, in many jurisdictions (check your local laws) the use of pepper spray does not require a police report to be filed, though I feel if it were to be used justifiably you may want to inform your local department about the activity that inspired the deployment.

My Choices

The Sig Foxtrot EDC comes with two end caps, I use the crowned one to minimize potential accidental discharges.
The Sig Foxtrot EDC comes with two end caps, I use the crowned one to minimize potential accidental discharges.

Light: Flashlights are always handy, but what about using one in defense? I'm not talking about some strange deviation of martial arts, rather the ability to disorient or stall someone like a drunkard or drug addict long enough to give you a head start in getting away from the area.

Although it's not inexpensive, I've been using the Sig Foxtrot EDC ($119 direct from Sig). With 1,350 Lumens and 33,000 Candela this light really throws a punch. It's worth knowing that all of these high-powered lights are meant for short-term use, not something to leave on for an extended period of time as they get hot. My example was given to me by Sig at the Sig NEXT event and while I originally found the larger size and weight off-putting, I've come to appreciate something I can get my hands on and know when it's in my pocket and not.

If I had to find a complaint about the Sig Foxtrot EDC it's that 1,350 Lumens is a bit much for non-tactical use. Need to see something in the dark? Clicking on this light may blow out your eyes for a bit. There is the tactic of keeping one eye closed so that pupil remains adjusted to ambient light, but be aware that this thing is BRIGHT!

POM sprays have a cap that protects the trigger.
POM sprays have a cap that protects the trigger.

Spray: At the Guardian Conference 2023 I was finally able to learn about pepper spray. I'd been curious, but never had any professional education on what to use, what to avoid, or how to best use it. As I suspecteed, there are many types and few standards. Not all of them project as far, as clean of a stream, or take affect quickly. At the Guardian Conference we learned from a retired law enforcement professional who had tried many different types and was able to demonstrate with inert samples how the sprays work as well as have us try some practical exercises.

Lift the lid of POM to deploy.
Lift the lid of POM to deploy.

POM was described as the best and I've been carrying it ever since. For as little as $12 it's an easy carry option and something I didn't cry about when event security confiscated my first one in Las Vegas. They also sell inert units for $6.50 so you can safely try at home and figure out the spray patter and distance, as well as practice how to aim. At Guardian Conference we got to practice aiming and it's easy once you know what to do. I've considered making a video to share this knowledge. Let me know in the comments if you'd like to see that.

1 comentario

20 nov 2024

Very topical topic! I was a big city public bus driver for a decade, forbidden to carry any kind of weapon, and researched this subject and learned a lot about defensive sprays. These probably saved my life twice, and angry gangsters backed down and went away several times when I simply showed a three ounce can in my hand! A couple of important issues: AVOID CHEAP STUFF like the pocket-size toys you see in convenience, discount, and drug stores---they are very short range and probably stale already. Defense sprays go bad over a couple of years and can fail to have much effect except enraging the target. Quality brands put expiration dates on every canister so do not buy an…

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